Order / Pricing



Price per user

Annual Maintenance Upgrade

1 - 49 30.00 € $39.00

50 - 99 25.00 € $32.50
100 - 199 20.00 € $26.00
200 - 499 16.00 € $20.80 US $962 / EUR 740
500 and more 14.00 € $18.20
Enterprise license* 14,000 € $18,200
International Enterprise license** 19,000 € $24,700
US $1,820 / EUR 1,400
Source Code License On request

Quick3270 Secure (with TLS/SSL)

Price per user

Annual Maintenance Upgrade

1 - 49 36.00 € $46.80

50 - 99 30.00 € $39.00
100 - 199 24.00 € $31.20
200 - 499 19.20 € $24.96 US $962 / EUR 740
500 and more 16.80 € $21.84
Enterprise license* 16,800 € $21,840
International Enterprise license** 22,800 € $29,640
US $1,820 / EUR 1,400
Source Code License On request
*An enterprise license is a country wide company license, not limited by the number of users or the number of geographic locations of the users.
**The International Enterprise license is a world wide company license, not limited by the number of users and the number of geographic locations of the users.

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Maintenance / Support
The license are permanent and includes one year of automatic program upgrades and access to technical support via email.
After the first year you can purchase a maintenance upgrade for the succeeding year at a cost of 15% of the current software list price (with a max. of US $962 / EUR 740).
For an enterprise license, the annual Maintenance/Upgrade is US $962  (or EUR 740).
For an International Enterprise license, the annual Maintenance/Upgrade is US $1,820 (or EUR 1,400).

Contact Information

74, rue Verte
34980 - Saint-Gély-du-Fesc

Phone: +33 675 369 257
Fax: +33 499 639 876
E-mail: sales@dn-computing.com

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